samedi 15 février 2014

You Make Use Of Rhode Island Personal Injury Advice Offered By Local Law Office

By Guy Lobdell

A personal injury is one that causes harm to the body in some significant way. Prior to talking to an insurance representative and signing any release forms, it is wise to consult a Rhode Island personal injury lawyer. That will avoid signing away your rights to a fair settlement.

A lawyer will be able to help you receive any compensation you deserve. There are two ways to do this. He can settle with the insurance company or take them to court to collect a fair amount.

Automobile accidents lead the list of the most frequent events that are the cause. Assault claims, work accidents and harm caused by product use are on the list. Injuries resulting from a medical procedure also lead to liability suits.

Many individuals contracted black lung disease from working in the mines. Others suffered from lung disease due to asbestos exposure at work on construction projects. They joined class action lawsuits in which a company was held liable for those illnesses.

If a company was aware of the danger and neglected to warn people, they are liable for illnesses. It is possible they could be liable without prior knowledge. A lawyer can sort out the legalities and determine liability.

An attorney will consult with you to determine whether you are entitled to compensation. In most instances, this is a free consultation. An attorney is likely to accept your case if he or she feels it warrants a settlement or award.

You will not be required to pay any fee up front. The attorney will handle your lawsuit on what is called a contingency basis. If you do not win, you pay nothing. If you do, the attorney collects anywhere from a third to forty percent of the amount awarded.

You can depend on the experience of the Rhode Island personal injury lawyer to evaluate your chances of winning in court. Your circumstances and the extent of your injuries will determine if and how much you will win. If you are not likely to be successful, the attorney will not pursue the case.

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