jeudi 6 février 2014

What Will A Criminal Attorney At Law Do For You?

By Cristina Bradly

Have you ever wondered what a criminal defense attorney does? A defense attorney is someone who defends individuals who have been charged with a serious crime.

A criminal justice lawyer typically handles a multitude of serious crimes such as DUI or DWI, assault, murder, drug crimes, domestic violence crimes and fraud to name a few.

If a client has the means to hire his own attorney privately, that is the method preferred by most. But in many cases clients may not have the funds to hire a private attorney, in which case one will be appointed to them by the courts. You have likely heard of these attorneys as being called public defenders.

Any attorney who wishes to defend criminal clients will obviously require a law degree as well as being licensed by the state in which they practice law in. The job description of a defense lawyer is basically to assist in the defense of any person facing criminal charges brought on by the state or federal authorities.

An attorney, in addition to trial proceedings will also be required to be present for bail hearings, revocation hearings, bail bonds hearings and plea bargain hearings. On top of these additional duties, the typical criminal defense lawyer also will:

- Help in investigating the cases and interviewing the witnesses in court

- Case law research in case there is a precedent that can be argued for the client

- Determining the best strategy and preparing an adequate defense based on that information

- Negotiate, if necessary with the prosecuting council in order to possibly obtain a plea bargain for his client

- Drafting and filing any motions for dismissal of evidence or testimony

- Advocates at the trial for his client during the proceedings

- Help in drafting, filing and arguing the appeals.

A criminal defense attorney is important if you find yourself facing criminal charges for any reason. If you are looking at the possibility of jail or prison time, having a qualified defense attorney can make a huge difference in your life.

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